


  • 供应手动铰接式压力机-HKP-E和H

  • 200){this.width=200}"> 产品描述: 手动铰接式压力机-HKP/E和HKPV Manual Toggle Presses - 2.5kN - 50kN   ●手柄位置360°可调,对不同工序可使手柄处于*位置(2.5KN HKP/E除外)    ●精密导向V型槽,可调整到无间隙,精密程度甚至可取代工装的导向装置(2.5KN HKP/E除外)   ●可拆卸的接口夹持装置可从前面安装工装,通过使用该装置, 可产生很大的夹紧力却从不会损伤工装的被夹持部位 ●压力机头的导向平面加工精度为H7级 ●通过操纵回转手柄调整具有高精度螺距的传动丝杠,压力机头 与工作台面之间的距离可以迅速得到调节 ●工作台表面的T型槽可方便压紧工件 ●吼深和机体高度可根据需要加长 ●工作台表面宽的T型槽方便压紧工件 ●可通过安装使用用户订制的不同配件,大幅度扩展应用范围 ●对于8/12KN和16KN HKPV型,压力可从8KN提高到12KN, 或从8KN提高到16KN,只需简单更换承重螺栓。

    冲程高度大 约减少25mm。

    ●The 360 degree adjustable handle lever allows the most f*ourable lever *ition for each respective procedure (not 2.5kN HKP/E) ●The precise and non-floating adjustable V-guide guarantees accurate working, even with tools without guidance (not 2.5kN HKP/E) ●The detachable spigot clamp allows frontal lo*g. By means of the spigot clamp a high holding force is achieved without damage to the fixing spigot ●The head of the press is guided by an H7 manufactured flat guidance ●The daylight can be quickly and easily adjusted by means of a fine pitch thread operated by a crank handle (not 2.5kN HKP/E) ●Table with wide T-grooved clamping surface ●Extended gap and height frames can be extended further if required (not for 2.5kN HKP/E and 2.5kN HKPV) ●The range of application can be substantially expanded by means of customer-specific accessory equipment ●For models 8/12 kN and 8/16 kN HKPV, the pressure force can be increased from 8kN to 12kN, or from 8kN to 16kN respectively, by simply changing the bearing bolt of the toggle lever. The height of stroke is thereby reduced to ca. 25mm ●By comparison our toggle presses reach there listed nominal force at the bottom dead ce*e with a lever operating force of 400 to 100N (4 to 10 kg)     Dimensions 2,5 kNHKP/E 2,5 kNHKPV 5 kNHKPV 8/12 kNHKPV 8/16 kNHKPV 50 kNHKPV A 170 200 230 320 420 520 B 50 65 150 150 160 215 C 260 320 345 415 590 715 D 120 150 180 200 300 340 D1 12 22 15 21 25 30 E 70 90 90 120 160 200 F 55 60 60 93 130 150 G 40 40 50 75 100 120 H / / / / 100 100 I 10 10 10 10 10 12 J 25 25 30 40 80 80 K 25 25 30 40 60 60 L 50 56 80 90 120 165 M 86 90 130 140 160 215 N 75 110 115 140 160 200 O / 85 95 120 130 160 P 70 74 110 120 144 195 Q Ø 7 Ø 7 Ø 9 Ø 9 Ø 9 Ø 11 R 123 145 172 190 270 290 S 285 350 480 508 708 980 T 25 30 48 48 65 90 U 22 25 21 21 29 45 V Ø 10 H7 Ø 10 H7 Ø 10 H7 Ø 10 H7 Ø 15 H7 Ø 25 H7 W 25 27 33 35 48 55 X 70-165 75-195 70-195 75-243 100-325 110-365 标签:     上海市手动铰接式压力机   上海市手动铰接式压力机厂家
    上海市 上海市上海市手动铰接式压力机厂家
  • 企业信息
  • 状态:匆匆过客
  • 核实:        
  • IP属地:上海市
  • 联系方式
  • 联系人:---
  • 座机:---
  • 手机:---
  • 地址:---